Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura - 4 Things to Know Before Visiting
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About Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura
The largest church in Rome after St Peter’s, this vast basilica stands on the site where St Paul was buried after being decapitated in AD 67. The basilica is within Italian territory and not the territory of the Vatican City State. The interior of the Basilica of St. Paul is magnificent, with enormous marble columns and beautiful gold mosaics. On the basilica’s walls, visitors will be able to observe the portraits of each of the popes, while a ray of sunlight lights up the portrait of the currenAddress : Piazzale San Paolo, 1, 00146 Roma RM, Italy
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Attractions Near Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura
Pyramid of Caius CestiusThe Pyramid of Cestius was most likely built between 18 and 12 BC. The 36-meter high pyramid was built as a tomb for a wealthy Roman under the sway of all things Egyptian. It is a remarkable monument, made of white Carrara marble and exactly 100 Roman feet high. It stands at a fork between two ancient roads, the Via Ostiensis and another road that ran west to the Tiber along the approximate line of the modern Via Marmorata.
Baths of CaracallaOne of the most beautiful and luxurious pubic baths in ancient Rome begun by the emperor Septimius Severus in AD 206. There were three main bath chambers: the frigidarium, or cold room; the caldarium, or hot room; and the tepidarium, or lukewarm room. There were also large open-air swimming pools. Marble was used lavishly, and sculpture, mosaics, frescoes, and other decorations ornamented the interior.
Aurelian WallsThe Aurelian Walls in Rome was built in the third century A.D. and are about 19 kilometers long. Works began by Emperor Aurelian during a time of insecurity throughout Italy and the empire. It was originally constructed of tufa concrete, with a facing of triangular bricks. It was originally constructed of tufa concrete, with a facing of triangular bricks.
Aventine HillThe Aventine Hill is one of the seven hills on which Ancient Rome was built. The legend recounts that Romulus had the idea to build a city on the Palatine Hill and his brother Remus thought the Aventine Hill was the right place where to start construction of a city. The Aventino is ringed with very important churches, monasteries, and the one thing tourists come to see while missing the rest: the Knights of Malta keyhole in Piazza dei Cavalieri di Malta.
Catacombs of St. CallixtusThe catacombs of St. Callixtus are among the greatest and most important of Rome. They originated about the middle of the second century and are part of a cemeterial complex that occupies an area of 90 acres, with a network of galleries about 12 miles long, in four levels, more than twenty meters deep. In it were buried tens of martyrs, 16 popes, and very many Christians. The area of the catacomb proper is about fifteen hectares, and it goes down for five levels.
Giardino degli AranciGiardino degli Aranci is the name used to describe the park Savelli , a park of Rome of about 7,800 m², located on the hill Aventino , in the district Ripa , which offers an excellent view of the city. The garden, as it currently appears, was built in 1932 by the architect Raffaele De Vico. The park offers an excellent view of the city. It was constructed to offer public access to the view from the side of the hill, creating a new ‘’belvedere’’, to be added to the existing viewpoints in Rom
Discover More Attractions in Lazio, Home of Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura
LazioLazio is one of the 20 administrative regions of Italy. Situated in the central peninsular section of the country, it has 5,864,321 inhabitants – making it the second most populated region of Italy – and its GDP of more than €197 billion per year means that it has the nation's second-largest regional economy. The capital of Lazio is Rome, which is also the capital and largest city of Italy.
Location of Basilica Papale San Paolo fuori le Mura
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