3 Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Jura
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Lake/ River/ Ponds to Explore in Jura
AllaineThe Allaine is a 65 km long river in northwestern Switzerland and eastern France. Its source is above the village Charmoille, in the Swiss Jura mountains. Downstream from its confluence with the Bourbeuse and the Canal du Rhône au Rhin, near Méziré, it is called the Allan. It is a right tributary of the Doubs, which it joins a few km downstream from Montbéliard, where it takes the Savoureuse with it, a river with its sources in the southern Vosges.
Étang des RoyesThe Étang des Royes is a pond in the municipality of Saignelégier in the canton of Jura. It is considered the smaller brother lake of the more famous Étang de la Gruère and lies at 964 meters above sea level. The pond is embedded in a forest in the Freiberg Mountains, is under nature protection and is part of the Doubs Nature Park.
Etangs de BonfolEtangs de Bonfol is a series of ponds at Bonfol in the Canton of Jura, Switzerland. The main ponds are named "étang du Milieu" and "Neuf-Etang". They are separated by a dam. Since 1962, the étangs de Bonfol are a nature preserve. They are listed in the Federal Inventory of Amphibian Spawning Areas, and, together with the étang at Vendlincourt, in the Federal Inventory of Landscapes and Natural Monuments. The ponds were developed by the bishop of Basel for fishing.