Salzburg - 78 Attractions You Must Visit
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About Salzburg
Salzburg is a state of the modern Republic of Austria. The region was widely settled in prehistoric times, both in the mountains and the Alpine foreland, because of its mineral resources. The tourist trade, including winter sports, is a major source of income, with the main centres at Salzburg city (especially its music and drama festivals), Badgastein, and Zell am See. The state has good road and rail communications.Types of Attractions in Salzburg

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List of Attractions in Salzburg
Aigner ParkThe Aigner Park is located at the foot of the Gaisberg in Salzburg district of Aigen next to the Schloss Aigen and the parish church of Salzburg-Aigen . It is a listed building and was declared a protected part of the landscape in 1980 . The park with its paths, viewpoints, grottos and waterfalls is an important monument of gardening art of the early 19th century.
AlmkanalThe Almkanal is an artificial works channel in the south of the city of Salzburg to the left of the Königsseeache and the Salzach. The Stiftsarm tunnel leading through the Mönchsberg is the oldest medieval water tunnel in Central Europe. It served to supply the city with utility , drinking and extinguishing water as well as the mill operation . Today the Almkanal is primarily important as a recreational area and a cultural monument, but it is also still used to generate energy.
Man-made Lakes
Alter MarktAlter Markt is the name of a historic square in Cologne 's Altstadt-Nord district. The area was once a large medieval market and the site of jousting tournaments. Today, visitors will find traditional German architecture and old monuments dedicated to the city’s founders. Outdoor café terraces and open-air concerts fill the square in the warmer months. The Alter Markt is Cologne's most traditional square.
Street Markets
Altes RathausThe Altes Rathaus was the first town hall in the German city of Hanover. First built in the old city district in 1410 and extensively restored in 1953 and 1964 after heavy bomb damage in World War II, it is the oldest secular building in the city. In 1874, the city administration moved out of the building. However, ceremonial events such as the conferring of honorary citizenship still take place in the banqueting hall.
Iconic Buildings
Arnoweg/Etappe 49The Arnoweg is a Salzburg circular and long-distance hiking trail and, in its longest possible variant, comes to 1,200 kilometers, 80,000 meters in altitude and an estimated 500 hours of walking. In its longest possible variant, it is 1,200 kilometers long.
6-10 Day Treks
BerchtoldvillaThe Villa Berchtold is in close proximity to the grammar schools in Nonntal , the ARGEkultur Salzburg , the UNION Sportzentrum Salzburg Mitte and the new building of the Faculty of Culture and Social Sciences of the University of Salzburg . The park surrounding the villa allows exhibitions of larger objects or the extension of exhibitions to this outdoor area. Salzburg's first public sculpture park for contemporary works, the ARTSPACE, was created here in 2012.
Iconic Buildings
Dommuseum SalzburgThe Salzburg Cathedral Museum is located in the south oratory of the Salzburg Cathedral . The museum is also the diocesan museum. The permanent exhibition shows art treasures from the 8th to 18th centuries from the Archdiocese of Salzburg, including precious liturgical equipment from the cathedral treasury as well as Gothic and Baroque paintings and sculptures from churches and monasteries in Salzburg.
DomQuartier SalzburgThe DomQuartier is a unique cultural highlight in the heart of Salzburg City. In the magnificent state rooms, history comes alive, while a museum tour also allows you to enjoy imposing views of the city itself. It was once the center of the prince-archbishops’ power – along with Benedictine St. Peter’s Abbey. With a single entrance ticket, visitors have the opportunity to marvel at four different Salzburg museums.
Iconic Buildings
Erzabtei / Stift St. Peter SalzburgThe St. Peter Abbey is a spiritual, cultural and economic center in the city and state of Salzburg. The Archabbey of St. Peter looks back on an unbroken continuity in the heart of Salzburg's old town. Monks have lived, prayed and worked here since 696. The abbey also owns collections of paintings, church treasures, artworks, minerals, furniture, musical instruments, a coin cabinet, and a cabinet of natural curiosities.
Old Ruins
Erzbischöfliches Palais Erzdiözese SalzburgThe Diocese of Salisbury is a Church of England diocese in southern England, within the ecclesiastical Province of Canterbury . The diocese covers most of Dorset and most of Wiltshire. The diocese is led by the Bishop of Salisbury and diocesan synod . The bishop's seat is at Salisbury Cathedral. .
FestungsBahnFestungsBahn is Austria’s oldest funicular still in operation today. It has been carrying visitors up to the fortress quickly and safely since 1892. It links the fortress with Festungsgasse, below the northern side of the fortress's walls.
Man-made Structures - Other
FestungsbergThe Festungsberg is the hill on which the Festung Hohensalzburg rests. It is considered to be one of the "Stadtberge" and geologically speaking, one of the northern-most outposts of the Alps. Archaeological findings date back to the Celtic La Tène culture. The area was fortified during the days of the Roman above the city of Iuvavum until King Odoacer of Italy commanded to leave the Province of Noricum in 488.
1 Day Treks
Mountain Peaks
Folklore MuseumThe Folklore Museum in the Austrian capital of Salzburg has been housed in Hellbrunn's monthly palace since 1924 , which was built in 1615 for Archbishop Markus Sittikus as a viewing palace high above the ornate princely palace garden. Many treasures of Salzburg’s folk culture are presented here on three floors. Among the particularly valuable exhibits are the rural stately furniture and the historical masks.
Fortress HohensalzburgA majestic medieval fortress in the city of Salzburg, Austria. It sits atop the Festungsberg at an altitude of 506 m. The castle remains a visible landmark to this day and is an unmistakable feature of Salzburg’s world-famous skyline. From afar, the mighty walls begin to reveal the history visitors experience at first hand within these sturdy defenses.
Freilichtmuseum SalzburgThe Salzburger Freilichtmuseum awaits you with 100 authentic and original historical buildings rebuilt on the museum grounds, telling tales of historic farming, trades, rural crafts and manufacturing. Take time to set off for a stroll through the past and dip deep into the rural history of Salzburg over the past six centuries. Explore old farmhouses, marvel at the humble, yet multifaceted lifestyle of days long gone and enjoy the hospitality of the museum’s cozy tavern.
Iconic Buildings
Friedhof St. Peter (Petersfriedhof)This picturesque cemetery, much of which dates back to the 17th century,located at the foot of the Festungsberg with Hohensalzburg Castle, provides a secluded spot to escape the bustle of the rest of the city. It is one of Salzburg's most popular tourist attractions.
Man-made Structures - Other
GaisbergThe Gaisberg is a popular local mountain just a few kilometers from Salzburg's Old Town. With an elevation of 1287 m above sea level. It is a beautiful location for recreational sports, hiking and nature. The Gaisberg has been a popular destination for daytrippers from Salzburg already in the 18th century. The Gaisberg road became the venue of a car and motorcycle hillclimb race between 1929 and 1969, which was part of the European Hillclimb Championship.
1 Day Treks
Mountain Peaks
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